Name Change Process After Marriage How To Change My Last Name LONG After Marriage?

How to change my last name LONG after marriage? - name change process after marriage

In my marriage certificate I do not have my married name, my maiden name, just change it. Andi, I do not later than 3 years. Does this change the process at all yet? I was told that Social Security could, but I'm not sure whether work it would.


dargonsi... said...

The same process. Bring your current SS card, photo ID and your marriage certificate to the SS first office. NO marriage certificate: a text married name.

Make sure the SS office to ask for a receipt to take to the DMV and you can pick up your license has changed on the same day. Bring your marriage certificate, passport or birth certificate, the receipt of the SS, and driver's license at the DMV office.

The end does not change the process. You have the right to his name every time you want to change. Even if you decide the name of his spouse, the documents will only change the SS office. It would simply be more complicated when you change something else.

mamabear said...

I just got my name after 2 1 / 2 years of marriage. You have to go to court and obtain a certified copy of marriage certificate.
The only thing you get when you marry, it only shows a marriage certificate. The license law is like his daughter and her new name. Then take the Office for Social Security or DMV. Congratulations;)

gnome_of... said...

This was not a thing in my name "groom" on marriage license .. all I did was, went to the DMV office and social security. Just bring two pieces of ID and your marriage license ... should not matter how long it was.

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